Product Design
Making Science
Development and delivery of tactical, complex, hierarchical and packaged UX improvement solutions with the objective of Pull&Bear exercising its freedom of implementation, in a completely flexible way, to reach an increase in the conversion rate.
To achieve this, we will work on the detection, analysis and evaluation (Data + UX) of the whole experience, mapping and extracting the most relevant areas where the critical points, which will generate a great impact on the experience, are located.
Making Science proposes two different work scenarios for the development and achievement of the project objectives.
The UX process, to obtain a list of solutions, consists of two main phases that provide the project with a more holistic perspective, analyzing the specific factors and dimensions, with the aim of knowing and being able to predict their impact on both the experience and conversion.
This stage, through research, observation and analysis, will provide the team with a global perspective and approach to detect the weakest points (unresolved needs, interaction gaps, etc.) and opportunities, in order to precisely target the product optimization strategy.
In this phase, the team will work under a model of co-creation and idea generation to develop conceptual models that will result in viable solutions. Subsequently, the design will be carried out at the level of fidelity demanded. The final delivery will consist of a handoff (packaged solutions) with all the necessary documentation for the subsequent implementation by Pull&Bear.